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Why Are You Interested in This Internship?


When it comes to securing an internship, the question “Why are you interested in this internship?” is often one of the first you’ll encounter during an interview. It’s not just a formality, but a genuine inquiry into your motivations, expectations, and what you can bring to the table. In this blog article, I’ll delve into the reasons why I am interested in this internship and why this question deserves thoughtful consideration.

You have a strong interest in this internship due to what you can acquire, how it can advance your career, the workplace ambiance, and because you are a perfect match for this role. An employer may inquire about your enthusiasm for an internship position to gain insight into your motivations and career aspirations. Often, interviewers aim to understand your character and what benefits both you and the organization can derive from this opportunity.

To get ready for this question and similar inquiries regarding your interest in a position, contemplate compiling a roster of your career objectives for the next few years. You can then reference these aspirations during your interview as a rationale for seeking a specific internship.

Passion for the Industry

The first and foremost reason for my interest in this internship is my genuine passion for the industry. This isn’t just about finding any internship; it’s about pursuing an opportunity in a field I’m truly excited about. When your heart is in your work, you’re more likely to excel, and the learning curve becomes an enjoyable journey rather than a steep climb.

Skill Development

One of the primary objectives of an internship is to learn and develop new skills. I’m eager to take on this internship because I believe it will provide me with a unique set of experiences and knowledge that I can’t acquire through conventional education. Real-world application of theory is where growth truly happens, and I’m excited to gain hands-on experience.

Mentorship and Guidance

Internships often come with the invaluable benefit of mentorship and guidance from seasoned professionals. I’m interested in this internship because I see it as an opportunity to work closely with experts in the field who can provide insights, constructive feedback, and a wealth of knowledge. Their guidance will be instrumental in shaping my career.

Building a Network

Networking is a powerful tool in the professional world. This internship would enable me to connect with professionals, colleagues, and peers who share similar interests and aspirations. The relationships I build during this internship will not only enrich my personal and professional life but also open doors to future opportunities.

Contributing to the Team

An internship isn’t just about taking; it’s also about giving. I believe I can contribute to the success of the team and the organization through my skills, fresh perspective, and enthusiasm. This mutual exchange of value is what makes the internship experience truly meaningful.

Aligning with Company Values

It’s crucial to align your values with the organization you work for. I’m interested in this internship because I resonate with the company’s mission, vision, and values. When there’s alignment on these fundamental principles, it creates a harmonious and productive work environment.

Personal Growth

Beyond professional development, internships offer opportunities for personal growth. I look forward to challenging myself, stepping out of my comfort zone, and developing essential life skills such as time management, problem-solving, and adaptability. This internship will be a journey of self-discovery.

Long-term Goals

I see this internship as a stepping stone toward my long-term career goals. It’s an opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of the industry, make informed decisions about my career path, and ultimately position myself for success in the future.

Comprehend What You Can Obtain from the Internship

Strive to fathom what you can learn by being engaged in this role. Reflect on the knowledge and skills that the company, your supervisors, and the job responsibilities can impart to you, which might enhance your competencies and bolster your abilities in your chosen field.

Touch On How It Can Benefit Your Career

 As internships frequently constitute a pivotal step in the progression of your professional journey, employers may be interested in learning about how their internship can foster your career. In some cases, colleges mandate internships for students pursuing specific majors or minors, which could be part of your motivation for discovering and applying for an internship. However, you should refrain from citing this as your sole reason.

Express Your Eagerness to Become Part of Their Workplace

A splendid manner of articulating your interest in an internship position is by discussing what aspects of the workplace you appreciate or eagerly anticipate. Incorporating details about the workplace in your response can demonstrate that you have conducted research about their company and the role, allowing them to gauge whether your expectations align with their corporate culture.

Elaborate on Why You Are a Suitable Fit

Another aspect to include in your response to this interview query is elucidating why you are a suitable match for the position and how your hiring would be advantageous to the company. By showcasing your value to employers in this manner, you can convey confidence in your abilities and expound on the precise ways in which your qualifications or attributes align with the job listing’s prerequisites.


The question, “Why are you interested in this internship?” is an important one. It goes beyond justifying your qualifications; it allows you to reflect on your aspirations, and passions, and how this opportunity fits into your bigger picture. For me, this internship represents a chance to learn, grow, contribute, and connect with like-minded individuals. It’s a pivotal step towards achieving my goals, and I am genuinely excited about the journey ahead.