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How to Get an Architecture Internship?


Getting an architecture internship is a significant milestone for aspiring architects and designers. It offers a unique opportunity to gain real-world experience, refine your skills, and explore your passion for the built environment. However, in the highly competitive world of architecture, it takes more than just a desire to land that dream internship. This blog post provides you with a detailed guide on how to make your architecture internship aspirations a reality. From crafting an impressive portfolio to harnessing the power of networking, we’ll explore the essential steps that will set you on the path to success in the field of architecture.

Here is a Detailed Guide On How to Secure an Architecture Internship:

Craft a Basic Portfolio:

Your portfolio should be a reflection of your skills and experiences. Include a variety of projects, both academic and personal, that showcase your abilities and design aesthetic. Highlight not only the final results but also your thought process and development stages.

Don’t limit your portfolio to architectural work alone. Include other relevant experiences, such as collaborative projects, leadership roles in student organizations, or any involvement in design-related competitions. These can demonstrate your teamwork and communication skills.

Delve into Architectural Design:

To delve into architectural design and make well-informed decisions when applying to firms, it’s essential to thoroughly research the architectural firms you’re interested in. Start by gaining a comprehensive understanding of their areas of expertise, which can range from residential and commercial projects to healthcare facilities and sustainable design.

This insight will enable you to align your skills and interests with the firm’s core strengths. Furthermore, you should delve into the types of projects they regularly undertake, whether they specialize in designing skyscrapers, historic renovations, or urban planning. This knowledge will help you tailor your applications to match their project portfolio.

Another critical aspect to investigate is the firm’s work culture. Understanding the company’s values, working environment, and approach to collaboration is pivotal to finding a firm where you’ll thrive. Some firms may emphasize creativity and innovation, while others may prioritize sustainability and social responsibility. Knowing this will allow you to highlight your own values and work style in your applications, making them more compelling.

Additionally, consider the location of the architectural firm. Whether it’s based in a bustling metropolis or a serene countryside setting, the location can significantly impact your lifestyle and career prospects. Researching this aspect can help you align your personal preferences with the firm’s location, ensuring a better fit for both your professional and personal life.

Harness the Power of Interactive Multimedia:

Harnessing the power of interactive multimedia is a savvy strategy when seeking opportunities in the architectural field. A proactive approach involves using social media platforms to establish connections with architecture firms. By following them on platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn, you can stay abreast of their recent activities, ongoing projects, and corporate culture. This not only keeps you informed but also allows you to engage with their content, showcasing your interest and enthusiasm.

Moreover, maintaining a professional and updated LinkedIn profile is essential. LinkedIn serves as a powerful tool for expanding your professional network and connecting with potential employers. Make sure your profile highlights your skills, experience, and achievements, and actively engage in industry discussions and connections on the platform. By doing so, you can enhance your visibility and establish meaningful connections within the architectural community, ultimately improving your prospects in the field.

Build a Strong Network:

Building a robust professional network is pivotal in carving a successful path in the architectural field. While tapping into your existing networks, consider reaching out to alumni, professors, and experienced professionals within the industry. Connecting with these individuals can yield valuable recommendations, mentorship, and insights into potential internship opportunities, giving you a substantial advantage in your career development.

Enhance Personal Attributes:

Effective communication and body language skills are indispensable in the architectural realm. Additionally, it’s crucial to invest in enhancing your personal attributes. Developing confidence and assertiveness will not only benefit you during interviews but will also prove invaluable in your everyday work within an architectural firm. These attributes enable you to convey your ideas effectively, collaborate seamlessly with colleagues, and foster a positive professional reputation, ultimately contributing to your success in the field.

Fine-Tune Your Architecture Portfolio:

Ensure your portfolio is well-organized and highlights your strengths and skills. Tailor it to match the interests and vision of the firms you’re applying to. A well-curated portfolio should be concise and avoid clutter. Keep the file size under 3MB for easy access, and consider both physical and digital versions of your portfolio.

Persistence is Key:

Demonstrating persistence is a crucial element when pursuing opportunities in the architectural field. Beyond merely submitting your portfolio and application, taking proactive steps can set you apart from the competition. After sending in your materials, it’s essential to follow up with a well-crafted phone call or email. This not only showcases your eagerness but also serves as an additional opportunity to express your enthusiasm for the position and inquire about the status of your application.

Furthermore, a thoughtful follow-up can help you establish a more personal connection with the hiring team. It provides a chance to reiterate your interest, ask relevant questions, and address any potential concerns they might have about your application. This proactive approach can make your application more memorable and demonstrate your commitment to securing the opportunity, significantly increasing your chances of success in a highly competitive industry like architecture.

Additional Tips for Securing an Architecture Internship:

  1. Show Your Personality on Your Resume: Customize your resume layout and design to make it memorable. Incorporate nontraditional elements if they align with your personality and style. Include a section on your interests or hobbies, which can provide insight into your character and passions.
  2. Demonstrate Your Passion: During interviews, be prepared to articulate your genuine enthusiasm for architecture and design. Share your motivations and inspirations that drive your passion for the field.
  3. Stay Updated Through Social Media: Monitor social media channels of architecture firms for hiring announcements and to gain insight into their culture and projects.
  4. Research Your Interviewers and Firm Leadership: Understanding the values and leadership within a firm can help you tailor your interview responses and demonstrate your alignment with the company’s culture and goals.
  5. Evaluate Job-Person Fit: Use the interview as an opportunity to ask insightful questions about the firm’s stance on important issues, such as diversity, equity, and fair compensation.
  6. Check for Errors and Seek Feedback: Attention to detail is vital in architecture. Proofread your application materials and consider having them reviewed by someone else to catch any mistakes or issues.
  7. Curate a Portfolio with Care: Be selective with the projects you include in your portfolio. Choose 2-3 of your best work examples that showcase your skills and strengths. Ensure that your portfolio is easy to access and doesn’t overwhelm employers with large file sizes.
  8. Express Gratitude with a Follow-Up Email: Send a thank-you email after interviewing with a firm to leave a positive impression and show your appreciation for the opportunity.

By following these steps and considering the additional tips, you’ll be well-prepared to secure a valuable architecture internship and take a significant step forward in your career. Remember that persistence, networking, and a well-crafted portfolio are key elements in your internship search.


In the highly competitive world of architecture, securing an internship requires careful planning, preparation, and persistence. This guide has walked you through the essential steps to help you on your journey. By crafting a well-organized portfolio, researching firms, building a professional network, and enhancing your personal attributes, you’ll be better equipped to make a lasting impression on potential employers.

Remember, it’s not just about meeting the requirements; it’s about showcasing your unique qualities, passions, and commitment to the field. By taking the initiative to follow up after submitting your application and staying updated with social media, you demonstrate your genuine interest. Your personality and enthusiasm for architecture can set you apart during interviews. Good luck with your internship search and your future endeavors in this exciting field!